Air Fountain Water Extractor Review, Legit or a scam?

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How to make water from air at home?

Air Fountain Water Extractor Review

Product Name: Air Fountain Water Extractor

Official website: Click here to visit Air Fountain Water Extractor official website.

The John Gilmore e-book guide The Air Fountain System has the knowledge required to quench your family’s throats while also assisting in the fight against the megadrought. It contains instructions on how to build a household appliance that turns the moisture in the air into water.

John Gilmore refers to this thing as a portable unending spring. The gadget has a system that enables users to access the practically endless water supply of the surroundings. The condensation concept underlies its operation.

Once turned on, the device will turn the air’s humidity into water. In addition, it can filter water, making it suitable for drinking. Its creator claims that it has a daily output capacity of up to 50 gallons of water.

What Caused the Development of the Air Fountain System?

This water filtering system will function, according to John Gilmore, the inventor of the Air Fountain Water Extractor System. He asserts that the Israeli army employs the same tool to obtain water while practising and engaging in combat in the desert.

It is a machine that can generate pure water without endangering its consumers. This machine generates oxygenated water, which promotes metabolism. There is no need to be concerned about eating fluoride, other heavy metals, or chemicals that cause cancer.

Due of its reliance on the moisture content of the air to produce water, the Air Fountain System offers constant access to pure, fresh water. You can lessen your reliance on tap water and its problematic filtration by assembling this system.

Endless Spring and Water Filtration Portable

Due to American oil firms’ poisoning of water supplies, water purification has become an impossibility for the majority of American families. These businesses employ hazardous chemicals that include poisonous substances that contaminate water wells.

When consumed in large doses, these substances can result in cancer and other degenerative diseases. However, since the portable endless spring Air Fountain is easier to construct and less expensive than bottled water, you don’t have to experience this.

The fundamental technology of the Air Fountain Water Extractor System has been tested in a variety of environments, including the desert. It has been utilised successfully for many years by various military personnel, and they still do so today.

Visit the official website to purchase an air fountain system (special discounts are offered).

About John Gilmore, the designer of the Air Fountain System

The Air Fountain System was invented by John Gilmore. He identifies himself as a proud parent and husband in addition to being a well-known writer and editor who specialises in outdoor survival. He, his wife, and their son, 14, reside on a tiny farm in Arizona.

He wants to have a positive impact on the world by utilising the experience and information he has gained over the years. He was inspired to develop the Air Fountain System as a result of a severe drought that caused his well to dry up.

Numerous homeowners no longer need to rely on traditional water delivery systems as a result of the guidance provided in this guide, which has helped thousands of households over the years. John cites the following as some of the justifications for using the information in this manual:

It can assist you in reducing the negative consequences that protracted droughts have.

The device converts humidity into drinkable water using cutting-edge technology.

It can give you the freedom from avaricious water suppliers that you require.

Due to the abundance of supplies, construction is economical.

It has been tried by numerous users, who have discovered that it functions in a variety of settings all throughout the USA.

The Air Fountain System Is For Whom?

The benefits offered by the Air Fountain System can be used by anyone who requires or desires access to pure, unpolluted drinking water. It’s the tool you need to deal with water shortage difficulties and lessen the effects of the severe drought that is anticipated over the coming years.

Simply put, it will be useful to anyone who requires a gadget that can create clean water.
What is Covered in the Guide for the Air Fountain System?

The guide for the Air Fountain System is more than a how-to book. To set up and make this system completely functional, everything is needed. You’ll have access to step-by-step video instructions, schematics, and pictures in this Air Fountain System tutorial that demonstrate how your gadget should look.

You may use all of this knowledge to help you finish the project quickly. Additionally, you can put together all the components you’ll need to make the device for less than $300.

You’ll also have access to a number of extra materials in addition to the primary guide, such as:

How to Protect Your Water Supplies

It is referred regarded as the definitive manual for water storage by John Gilmore. But do you understand what needs to be done to protect it? You have a way to make as much water as you and your family may ever need with the Air Fountain System.

You will learn all the top-kept techniques for water storage in this additional manual. The report lists every piece of crucial hardware and software required for your project’s success.

It discusses some of the ideal and most unexpected locations to conserve water for later use. You may find out how to make sure your water will still be running even in below-freezing temperatures in it. If you want to stop questioning your water storage strategies, you need this manual.

Visit the official website to purchase an air fountain system (special discounts are offered).

How to Mineralize and Purify Water

The second bonus item is a detailed report on how to stop using pricey filters and guarantee that you will always be able to drink pure water. The paper offers you a number of do-it-yourself water purifying methods.

These methods can help you transform the water your Air Fountain System generated into pure, fresh water. It breaks down nine techniques for cleaning up contaminated and impure water sources that have been tried and confirmed to work.

Learn all you ever wanted to know about iodine, filtration, solar water disinfection, and the advantages of boiling drinking water by using this guide. Even the idea of using banana peels to filter water is covered.

To ensure that your water contains all the minerals required to keep your body healthy and effective, it will instruct you on how to re-mineralize water.

The Dangerous Agents in the Water

The final bonus is a customised course that will teach you all you would need to know about the invisible contaminants in your water. This lesson will help you comprehend the need of filtering and purifying water before drinking it.

You’ll discover how to recognise the hazardous elements that are probably present in the water inside. These are some examples of such chemicals:

Antibiotics and bacteria


Arsenic and other heavy metals are found in parasitic protozoa.

Additionally, the paper will explain the six ways that nature can contaminate your drinking water and what you can do to stop it. You will learn useful information about preventing and treating waterborne diseases from the manual.

It also aids in revealing the shortcomings of particular water purification methods.

NB: Each report costs $49 when purchased separately, however you will receive them all for free once you purchase the Air Fountain System.

Features and Benefits of the Air Fountain System

The following advantages are provided to users of the Air Fountain System:

Simple and Straightforward Directions The acquisition of technical expertise is not a concern for anyone wishing to build this gadget. The directions are simple to follow and are presented in the form of pictures, thorough diagrams, and step-by-step videos.

Affordable: The savings on water costs make it well worth the low cost of construction. No matter where you live or the local climate, the device makes sure you never have to worry about paying high monthly water expenses.

Portable and compact Since the Air Fountain System is compact and lightweight, moving it from one location to another is simple. Because of its small size, you can use it at home or take it to the field as needed.

The following are additional advantages that the Air Fountain System offers:

It includes three bonus reports without charging extra.

Users won’t need to consult an expert and will find it simple to design and utilise.

It works in a small amount of space.

How Effective Is the Air Fountain Water Extractor System?

The testimonies and reviews we read online while compiling this review all support the legitimacy of the product. Customers who have evaluated it claim that it has enabled them to access an endless supply of clean drinking water and reduced their water expenses.

Because it is so little and portable, one may take it wherever they need to go.

Only on the official website, the Air Fountain System handbook costs $39.00. For this cost, you have the opportunity to reduce your water usage and contribute to environmental preservation.

A 60-day money-back guarantee guards against loss on your purchase.

Air Fountain Water Extractor Refund Procedure

You invest in the future and your peace of mind when you acquire the Air Fountain System, which is much more than just a book. However, you can get in touch with the vendor for a complete refund if you don’t like the information it provides by phone or email at:


For customers who are dissatisfied with it, its inventor offers a 60-day refund policy with no questions asked.

Questions and Answers about the Air Fountain Water Extractor system:

What is the construction time for the Air Fountain System?

A. Watching the step-by-step video instructions takes roughly 30 minutes. You’ll need a further two hours to finish the device. However, you should be aware that how long it takes to make will depend on two things: your talent level and your level of knowledge.

It will take less time to accomplish the assignment for those who receive assistance.

What level of risk is associated with this investment?

A. The Air Fountain Water Extractor System is completely risk-free. You can learn how to build the gadget from scratch by using the tutorials and this manual. You can always request a complete refund if you discover that the product is defective or unsatisfactory.

Does the Air Fountain Water Extractor System require a lot of room to operate?

A. The Air Fountain Water Extractor System doesn’t require a lot of room to operate. You can construct it and set it up in any accessible location. Small yards, balconies, or any place of less than 10 square feet are examples of usable areas.

To purchase the Air Fountain Water Extractor System right now, go to the official website.

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