Can delayed sleep phase syndrome be cured?

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Can delayed sleep phase syndrome be cured?

What is delayed sleep phase syndrome?

Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), sometimes called delayed sleep phase syndrome or delayed sleep–wake phase disorder, is a persistent disruption of a person’s circadian rhythm (biological clock) in comparison to the general population and cultural standards. Sleep time, peak alertness, core body temperature, rhythm, hormonal, and other daily cycles are all affected by the illness. People with DSPD usually fall asleep after midnight and have trouble getting up the next morning, so Can delayed sleep phase syndrome be cured?

Can delayed sleep phase syndrome be cured

People with DSPD have a circadian period that is likely to be much longer than 24 hours.

Symptoms can be controlled to a greater or lesser extent depending on their intensity.

Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) is a sleep condition caused by a disruption in the circadian rhythm. Delay sleep phase disorder, or delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, is another name for it.

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The difficulty with DSPS is that it affects your internal body clock. You can’t fall asleep at a socially acceptable bedtime if you have DSPS. Instead, your sleep is at least two hours later. Even when you’re fatigued, this happens.

The delay may cause you to wake up later, disrupting your job, school, and other everyday activities.

DSPS is a prevalent condition. It may strike anybody at any age, although it is most common in adolescents and young adults. DSPS affects around 15% of adolescents and adults.

delayed sleep phase syndrome Diagnosis?

Your doctor may do a physical examination and analyse your family and medical history to identify your problem. To diagnose your disease or any other linked conditions, your doctor may conduct a variety of tests, including:

Actigraphy. In this test, you wear a tiny gadget at home that monitors your sleep-wake cycle.

Keep a sleep journal. To assist display your sleep pattern, your doctor may urge you to keep a sleep diary in which you write your daily sleep and wake periods.

Polysomnogram. A polysomnogram may be ordered if your doctor feels you have a different sleep condition. This exam requires you to spend the night at a sleep facility. A polysomnogram tracks your brain activity, heart rate, and breathing patterns as you sleep.

delayed sleep phase syndrome Treatment

Your doctor will collaborate with you to develop a treatment strategy for your condition.

Your strategy might include the following:

Developing better sleeping patterns. This is what your doctor may refer to as sleep hygiene. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding coffee and stimulating activities near bedtime, avoiding smoke and alcohol, and just utilising your bedroom for sleeping and sex are all examples of good sleep hygiene. It’s also a good idea to exercise first thing in the morning and avoid moderate to strenuous activity just before night.

Supplements containing melatonin. To help you alter your circadian rhythm, your doctor may prescribe a melatonin pill to take in the early evening.

Light therapy is a treatment that involves the use of light. Early morning light exposure may help to reset your internal sleep clock (circadian rhythm).

Chronotherapy. Doctors may recommend chronotherapy, which involves delaying bedtime by one to 2.5 hours every six days until the ideal bedtime is attained. Once you’ve created a sleep regimen, stick to it.

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delayed sleep phase syndrome symptoms:

Difficulty falling asleep is one of the symptoms of DSPS.

DSPS makes it difficult to fall asleep at a regular bedtime. Your body is told to keep attentive by the delay in your internal clock.

You won’t be able to sleep until between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., which is many hours after midnight.

If you try to stay up late to finish schoolwork or socialise, your sleeping problems may worsen.

Having trouble waking up

Because you can’t fall asleep till late, DSPS makes it difficult to get up on time. This is due to the fact that your internal clock has not yet begun to signal your body to wake up.

You might be able to sleep until late in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Excessive drowsiness during the day

When you can’t fall asleep throughout the day yet have to get up at a specific hour, you’ll experience daytime sleepiness. You may find it difficult to concentrate and pay attention during the day.

DSPS may hinder you from obtaining adequate deep sleep, even if you fall asleep early. This might cause you to be exhausted throughout the day.

There are no additional sleep difficulties.

Other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, are seldom associated with DSPS.

You may be receiving adequate quality sleep — it’s just delayed — unless it’s interfering with everyday activities. Furthermore, you have no trouble falling asleep and remaining asleep.

The issue is determining when you can sleep and wake up.

Depression and a variety of behavioural issues

You may acquire depression as a result of stress if you are unable to maintain a regular sleep cycle.

Sleepiness throughout the day might cause problems at work or school. You may be late, miss days, or have difficulty paying attention. Academic achievement may be low in children and teens with DSPS.

Caffeine, alcohol, and sedative addiction are all possible side effects of DSPS.

delayed sleep phase syndrome Causes

While the actual aetiology of DSPS is unknown, it is frequently linked to a number of conditions.

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These are some of them:

Genetics. You have an increased likelihood of having DSPS if you have a close relative who has it. A family history of DSPS affects 40% of persons with the illness.

Changes that occur after puberty. The body’s 24-hour sleep cycle lengthens during adolescence, necessitating later sleep and waking hours. Adolescents are also more sociable and take on more duties than adults.

Disorders of the mind and the nervous system. DSPS has been associated to conditions such as:



hyperactivity-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a kind of obsessive-compulsive

Insomnia is a condition in which a person DSPS affects 10% of persons who suffer from chronic insomnia.

Sleeping problems. If you don’t receive enough light in the morning, your DSPS symptoms may worsen. If you’re exposed to too much light at night, your symptoms may worsen.

Night owl vs. DSPS

Being a night owl is not the same as having DSPS.

If you’re a night owl, you may stay up late to finish schoolwork or socialise. You’ll also be able to sleep in later than normal.

When it’s time to go back into a habit, you can change your sleep schedule.

You don’t attempt to stay up late if you have DSPS. Instead, even if you’re fatigued, your internal clock keeps you awake. It may be difficult to reset your body clock, making sleeping and waking at regular intervals challenging.

delayed sleep phase syndrome Diagnosis

The condition DSPS is frequently misdiagnosed.

This is due to the fact that many persons with DSPS force themselves to stick to a regular schedule. As a result, if you’re always tired, you might be misdiagnosed with depression. You might be misdiagnosed with insomnia if you have trouble falling asleep.

Consult a sleep specialist if you or your kid are experiencing sleep problems. If you haven’t slept for at least seven days, you should consult a doctor.

Different tests can be performed by a sleep specialist to identify if you have DSPS.

This might include things like:

Obtaining medical information. This aids your doctor in comprehending your medical history and symptoms.

Make a request for a sleep diary. Your doctor may want you to keep track of when you go to sleep and when you get up each day. Bring a sleep log with you to your first session if you’d like.

Actigraphy. You’ll wear a wristband that monitors your sleep-wake cycles. Because you won’t have to wake up for numerous duties, this test is best done while you’re not at work or school.

Polysomnogram. If your doctor suspects you have another sleep issue, they may prescribe a polysomnogram, which is an overnight sleep test.

delayed sleep phase syndrome Treatments

In most cases, DSPS therapy entails a combination of techniques.

The goal of therapy is to get your sleep routine back on track by correcting your body clock.

Your doctor will determine which therapies are most appropriate for your symptoms and lifestyle. This might involve the following:

Increasing the speed of your internal clock. You’ll get to bed 15 minutes earlier each night. Each day, you’ll also get up a little earlier.

Changing the time on your internal clock. This procedure, also known as chronotherapy, entails postponing your bedtime by 1 to 2.5 hours every six days. This process is done until you are able to maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Therapy using bright lights. You will sit near a light box for 30 minutes after waking up. By advancing your internal clock, morning light exposure can help you sleep earlier.

Supplements containing melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle, may be prescribed by your doctor. Because the ideal dose and time differs from person to person, it’s critical to follow your doctor’s directions to the letter.

Improving sleeping habits. Following a regular sleep schedule and avoiding gadgets before night are both good sleep practises. Before going to bed, you should avoid the following:

caffeinated beverages, cigarettes, and strenuous exercise

Is it possible for an adolescent to grow out of it?

A teen with DSPS is unlikely to grow out of it.

Because DSPS frequently persists throughout adulthood, it must be actively addressed.

Your body clock will be reset on the first treatment. However, you must continue therapy in order to preserve the change.

Your doctor can tell you how to maintain treating DSPS the best manner possible.

Last but not least

A body clock problem known as delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). Because your sleep cycle has been disrupted, you won’t be able to fall asleep until two or more hours after your “regular” bedtime.

Being a night owl is not the same as having DSPS. You don’t choose to stay up late if you have DSPS. Even when you’re sleepy, you can’t sleep.

You can get your sleep back on track with the aid of your doctor. Bright light treatment, melatonin, and proper sleep hygiene are used to try to adjust your body clock. It may also entail altering your sleeping and waking schedules.

Although DSPS is most frequent among adolescents, it may strike anybody at any age. If you or your kid is experiencing trouble sleeping, see your doctor.

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