Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat For Female At Home
Female At-Home Exercise To Lose Tummy Fat
Exercises for belly fat: If you desire flat abs, you must commit to regular exercise and a low-calorie diet. Here’s an at-home abdominal workout to help you get the abs you want, Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat For Female At Home.
One of the most challenging body sections to exercise is the abs. To obtain flat or toned abs, it takes weeks, if not months, of consistent exercise and nutrition discipline. If you’ve been battling to obtain the abs you’ve always wanted, here’s a workout regimen you can count on. The workout, which Sweat trainer Stephanie Sanzo shared, can be done at home with minimum equipment. Sanzo’s abs workout consists of two pieces of equipment: an ab wheel and a dumbbell.
Read also: Get flat belly and prevent unwanted weight gain naturally
Abs workout you can do at home to lose belly fat:
The workout consists of six exercises and takes between six and twelve minutes to complete. That’s correct! This routine requires only 10 minutes of your time to complete and can help you lose belly fat and achieve flat abs.
This abdominal workout includes the following 6 exercises:
• Side Plank Hip Lifts – 20 reps • Kneeling Ab Wheel – 10 reps (10 per side)
• 10 reps of leg raises • 20 reps of Russian twists (10 per side)
• 20 repetitions of the McGill Sit-Up (10 per side)
• Hold a plank position for as long as you can.
Set a 12-minute timer and see how many laps you can complete. For best results, aim to complete 2-4 rounds of the program. This workout can be combined with your regular cardio or weight-training routine. This abdominal workout can be combined with a half-hour of running, cycling, brisk-walking, or jogging.
Read also: How to have flatten tummy without exercises?
Flat abs diet suggestions
Your overall calorie intake must be less than the calories you burn in a day to lose abdominal fat and weight in general. You must consume all food categories rather than starve yourself.
1. Include lots of fibre and protein-rich meals in your diet. Protein-rich diets can help you build muscle and lose weight. Fibre-rich foods are naturally full and might help you lose weight.
2. Limit your consumption of processed carbohydrates. If you want to have flat abs, avoid processed foods, junk food, and deep fried foods.
3. Keep yourself hydrated at all times by drinking plenty of water.
4. Include foods high in good fat, such as ghee, olive oil, mustard oil, coconut oil, avocado, and others, in your diet.
Lying leg raises
Lower abs, upper abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps are all targets for lying leg raises.
How To Do?
- Take a seat on a mat. Place your palms flat on the floor and your thumbs beneath your hips. Lift your feet slightly off the floor, gaze up at the ceiling, and engage your core. This is where you’ll begin.
- Raise both legs to 90 degrees and then slowly lower them.
- Raise your legs just before touching the floor. Perform three sets of 15 reps.
What Not To Do – Do not fully plant your feet on the floor or lift your legs by pushing your hips up with your hands.
Lower abs, upper abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps are all targets for this exercise.
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How To Do?
- Take a seat on a mat. Place your palms flat on the mat and your hands behind you. Lean back a little and lift your legs off the floor. This is where you’ll begin.
- Tuck in both of your legs. Bring your upper body close to your knees at the same time.
- Return to your starting location. Perform two sets of 20 repetitions.
What Not To Do – At the back, don’t spread your hands too far apart.
Kicks with Scissors
Lower and upper abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps are the muscles to target.
How To Do
- Take a seat on a mat. Put your palms beneath your hips.
- Raise your head, shoulders, and legs off the ground. This is where you’ll begin.
- Bring your left leg down. Lift your left leg and lower your right leg just before it contacts the floor.
- Repeat for a total of 12 times to finish one set. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions. Before moving on to the next exercise, take a 20-second pause.
What Not To Do – Do not perform this exercise quickly or while holding your breath.
Lower and upper abs are the focus.
How To Do
- Lie down on a mat with your knees flexed and your feet flat on the ground.
- Place one thumb behind each ear. With the rest of your fingers, hold the back of your head. Raise your head off the ground. This is where you’ll begin.
- Begin by curling up and attempting to reach your knees with your head.
- Return to your starting location.
- Remember to inhale when curling up and exhale when descending. Perform two sets of 12 repetitions.
Tucking your chin.
Upper and lower abs, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps are all targets for bicycle crunches.
How To Do
- Lie down on a mat with your knees flexed and your feet lifted off the ground.
- Place one thumb behind each ear. With the rest of your fingers, hold the back of your head. Raise your head off the ground. This is where you’ll begin.
- Straighten your left leg by pushing it down. Curl up and twist to the right at the same time. Try to touch your right knee to your left elbow.
- Return your left leg to the flexed position by curling back down.
- Repeat with the opposite leg. Perform two sets of 12 repetitions. Before moving on to the next exercise, take a 10-second pause.
What Not To Do – Do not rush through the sets and keep your chin tucked in.
Reverse Crunch Half Seated
Lower abs, upper abs, and glutes are the muscles to target.
How To Do
- Lie down on a mat with your knees flexed and your feet flat on the floor. Lean back and lean on your elbows for support. This is where you’ll begin.
- Raise both legs off the floor and raise your knees to your nose’s level.
- Return your legs to the beginning position slowly. Perform three sets of 15 reps.
What Not To Do – Avoid overcurving your lower back or scrunching your shoulders.
Lower and upper abs are targeted during sit-ups.
How To Do
- Lie down on a mat with your knees flexed and your heels resting on the mat. Place your hands behind your head and engage your core. Look up at the ceiling by lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. This is where you’ll begin.
- Lift your body off the floor and into a sitting position using your core strength.
- Slowly return to the starting position. Perform two sets of 12 repetitions.
What Not To Do — Don’t get the terms sit-ups and crunches mixed up. To do sit-ups, you must literally sit up and return to the starting position. While sitting up, keep your elbows apart.
Heel touch
Obliques and upper abs are the targets of the heel touch.
How To Do
- Take a seat on a mat. Keep your legs flexed and flat, with your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Maintain a neutral posture with your hands by your sides, chin up, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged.
- Bend sideways and reach out with your right hand to touch your right heel.
- Bend to the other side and reach out with your left hand to touch your left heel.
- Complete 20 of these to complete one set. Perform three sets of 20 reps. Before moving on to the next exercise, take a 20-second pause.
What Not To Do – Keep your feet from being too near to your hips.
Jackknife Crunch
Lower abs, upper abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quads are all targets for the Jackknife Crunch.
How To Do
- Take a seat on a mat. Raise your arms above your head. This is where you’ll begin.
- Lift your upper body while keeping your back and neck in line. Lift both of your feet off the floor at the same time.
- Place your hands on your knees and try to touch them.
- Return to your original starting location. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions.
What Not To Do – Do not entirely lay your head on the floor between reps.
Russian slant
Obliques, upper abs, lower abs, and glutes are the muscles to target.
1. Sit on the mat and lift both legs, keeping your knees flexed and leaning back slightly. To balance your body, join your palms together. This is where you’ll begin.
2. Twist your upper body left, then right.
What Not To Do – During this workout, do not hold your breath.
Lying Tap your toes alternately
Lower abs, upper abs, obliques, and glutes are the muscles to target.
1. Lie down on the mat and lift both of your legs. Raise your hand off the floor, lift your head and upper back, and engage your core. This is where you’ll begin.
2. Curl up and reach out with your right hand to touch your left foot.
3. Return to your original position.
4. Curl up again and reach out with your left hand to touch your right foot. Perform two sets of 15 reps.
What Not To Do – If you can’t touch your foot, don’t worry. Reach as far as you can past the knee and as close to the foot as you can.
Mountain Climbers With Crossbodies
Lower and upper abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps are the muscles to target.
Step 1: Start in a plank stance. Ascertain that your elbows are squarely beneath your shoulders. Maintain a straight line through your neck, back, and hips. Do not curve down and pike up. This is where you’ll begin.
2. Raise your right foot off the floor, flex your knee, and bring it up to your right side of the chest.
3. Return the right foot to its original position. Raise your left foot off the floor, flex your knee, and bring it near to your chest on the left side.
4. Increase your speed and perform as if you were running! Perform two sets of 25 reps. Before moving on to the next exercise, take a 20-second pause.
What Not To Do – Keep your palms close to your body and avoid drooping your neck or lower back.
Target – A full-body workout that includes abs.
Standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart is the first step.
2. Place your hands on the floor and bend your knees. For the sake of clarity, we’ll name this the “frog” stance.
3. Jump into a plank or push-up stance by pushing both legs back.
4. Return to the “frog” position by hopping.
5. Jump vertically with your hands extended above your head.
6. Softly land on the ground.
7. Return to the plank position after resuming the frog stance. Perform three sets of eight repetitions. Between sets, take a 10-second pause. Before moving on to the next exercise, take a 20-second pause.
What Not To Do – Don’t establish unattainable objectives. Burpees are a difficult exercise. It makes no difference how many burpees you perform. It’s all about how many you can perform while maintaining proper posture.
Upper and lower abs, shoulders, biceps, and gluts are all targets.
1. Get down on your knees on a mat.
2. Lean your elbows against the mat.
3. Extend your right leg, then your left leg, backwards.
4. Maintain a straight line between your neck, back, and hips. Maintain your core’s involvement.
5. Hold for at least 30 seconds in this position. Perform three sets of 30-60 second holds.
What You Shouldn’t Do – Keep your palms close to your shoulders. Do not slump or pike your lower back.
Plank on the side
Abs, shoulders, biceps, and glutes are the muscles to target.
How To Do
- Lie down on your right side in a half-lying position. Place your left foot on the floor, across your right foot.
- Place your left hand on your waist and your elbow just below your shoulder.
- Raise your pelvis from the ground. Your neck and head should be in alignment with your back.
- Open your left hand wide to make this more difficult.
- Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. Continue to breathe.
- Bring your body down. Take a 10-second rest, switch sides, and repeat on the opposite side. For novices, one set of this exercise is sufficient. As you gain experience, you can increase the time and sets.
What Not To Do – Your pelvis should not drop.